Rabu, 30 Desember 2009
Places of interest
Hot spring contains sulfur, so very good for the skin. There was a swimming pool although the pool area not senayan, but it was enough to swim a lot of people. For those who want more to enjoy the benefits of the sulfur water. There is also providing a special room just for the bath or shower. In the room, the water feels warmer because it is not mixed by the crowd. And the benefits are felt to the skin.
Many people who come to bathe in order to get benefits and some that just come to berliburan. Because of extensive land corpulent guests take his family to vacation there.
So does my family. I often invite my parents to there. While there I just take pictures, photographs and sitting on top of the hill to see the beautiful scenery of the hill. From the above I can see the beautiful rice fields. I also used to take my brother. more and more people will be more exciting.
that's one of the interesting places in my life. and many more places beautiful that this is in Indonesia. We should be proud of the diversity of this nation.
My characteristics
When I was junior high school, insecure nature becomes less. That's in because of the many friends I have. When I grade 2 smp, I moved house in ciputat. I use the train to go to school. That is where I get to know the characteristics of each person. I can choose the good and the bad.
While in high school, I followed ROHIS organization. From where I learned to improve their confidence. Besides studying I also taught religion to socialize with their surroundings in the right way. I began to learn to speak in public. I began to believe in myself when talking with others. I spoke with staff, the vice principal and principal for problems ROHIS activities. That's where my mental test. In admonished for not working properly, etc.
While in high school, I was able to save well. I can save up to 40% of the allowance. I even made the details of savings on a legal pad. I rarely bother my parents to ask for more money. Sometimes there is pride in me, because it can buy anything with money alone. A good habit is to others I had never late to school, because I was leaving from 05:15 o'clock. Many times when I came to the school was quiet. I even became the first student who came to the school.
While in college, getting a lot of friends I have. Every person has a character different. One of my vices is that I was often disappointed with someone if that person let me down. Even I can stay away from the person slowly. I also have a forgiving nature. I prefer to forgive someone than to hate others. Because better friends than enemies
I was inspired to the prophet Muhammad's character. Because he can change the world for the better even though he was dead. I wanted to follow the nature of patient, diligent charity even though he was still short, forgiving to those who have hated him, diligent worship and many others. At least I want one of these qualities in me.
Until now, there are good qualities to rub off on me, although not as perfect as his. I hope I can maintain future good qualities and also can be better than now. Because people are worse than the day before so he lost.
Minggu, 29 November 2009
Daun duduk(Desmodium triquetrum [L.] D.C.)

Sinonim :
= Hedysarm triquetrum, Linn. = Pteroloma triquetrum, Benth. = P. triquetrum, (Linn.), Desv.
Familia :
Papilionaceae (Leguminosae)
Uraian :
Daun duduk dapat ditemukan dari dataran rendah sampai 1.500 m dpl. tumbuh liar di tempat terbuka dengan cahaya matahari yang cukup atau sedikit naungan, serta tidak begitu kering. Perdu menahun, tumbuh tegak atau menanjak, tinggi 0,5 - 3 m, dengan kaki yang berkayu. Batang bulat, beruas, permukaan kasar, percabangan simpodial, diameter 2 cm, cokelat. Daun tunggal, berseling, berdaun penumpu, tangkai daun bersayap lebar. Helaian daun lanset, ujung meruncing, pangkal rata, tepi rata, pertulangan menyirip, panjang 10 - 20 cm, lebar 1,5 - 2 cm, masih muda cokelat, setelah tua hijau. Bunga majemuk, malai, keluar dari ujung batang, mahkota berbentuk kupu-kupu warnanya putih keunguan, berambut halus, pangkal berlekatan. Buah polong, panjang 2,5 - 3,5 cm, lebar 4 - 6 mm, berambut, berisi 4 - 8 biji, masih muda hijau, setelah tua cokelat. Biji kecil, bentuk ginjal, warnanya cokelat muda. Perbanyakan dengan biji.
Nama Lokal :
Genteng cangkeng, ki congcorang, potong kujang,; cen-cen (Sunda), ), daun duduk, sosor bebek, gulu walang,; Gerji,cocor bebek (Jawa). daun duduk (Sumatera); Three-flowered desmodium (Inggris).;
Penyakit Yang Dapat Diobati :
Mencegah pingsan (heat stroke), demam,salesma, disentri, wasir,; Radang amandel (tonsilitis), gondongan (parotitis), skleroderma,; Lelehan nanah (piorea), radang ginjal akut (acute nephritis), ; Sembab (edema), radang usus (entiris), muntah pada kehamilan,; Infeksi cacing tambang (hookworm), infeksi cacing pita di hati,; Keputihan akibat trichomonas (trichomonal vaginitis), rematik,; Sakit kuning (ikterik hepatitis), TBC tulang dan kelenjar limfa,; Kurang gigi pada anak, keracunan buah nanas, multipel abses,;
di ambil dari:
Sirih (Piper betle, Linn.)

Chavica auriculata Miq. Artanthe hixagona.
Familia :
Uraian :
Sirih (Piper betle) termasuk jenis tumbuhan merambat dan bersandar pada batang pohon lain. Tanaman ini panjangnya mampu mencapai puluhan meter. Bentuk daunnya pipih menyerupai jantung dan tangkainya agak panjang. Permukaan daun berwarna hijau dan licin, sedangkan batang pohonnya berwarna hijau tembelek (hijau agak kecoklatan) dan permukaan kulitnya kasar serta berkerut-kerut. Daun sirih disamping untuk keperluan ramuan obat-obatan juga masih sering digunakan oleh ibu-ibu generasi tua untuk kelengkapan 'nginang' (Jawa). Biasanya kelengkapan untuk 'nginang' tersebut adalah daun sirih, kapur sirih, pinang, gambir, dan kapulaga.
Nama Lokal :
Betel (Perancis), Betel, Betelhe, Vitele (Portugal); Sirih (Indonesia), Suruh, Sedah (Jawa), Seureuh (Sunda); Ju jiang (China).;
Penyakit Yang Dapat Diobati :
Sakit mata, Eksim, bau mulut, kulit gatal, Menghilangkan jerawat; Pendarahan gusi, Mimisan, Bronkhitis, Batuk, Sariawan, Luka; Keputihan, Sakit jantung, Sifilis, Alergi/biduren, Diare, Sakit gigi;
diambil dari:
Minggu, 22 November 2009
The Origin of Rawa Pening
Rawa Pening is a big lake in Central Java. It is famous for its legend. People near the lake like to share a story about the origin of the lake.
Once upon a time, a poor little boy came into a little village. He was very hungry and weak. He knocked on every door in the village and asked for some food. But nobody cared about him. Nobody wanted to help the little boy.
Finally, a generous woman helped him. She gave him shelter and meal. When the boy wanted to leave, this old women gave him a ‘lesung’, a big wooden mortal for pounding rice. She reminded him, “ please remember, if there is a flood you must save yourself. Use this ‘lesung’ as a boat”. The ‘lesung’ was heavy but he was happy to have it. He thanked the old woman.
The little boy continued on his journey. While he was passing through the village, he saw many people gathering on a field. The boy came closer and saw a stick stuck in the ground. People challenged each other to pull out that stick. Everybody tried, but no one succeeded.
“can I try?” asked the little boy. The crowd laughed mockingly.
The Boy Wanted To Try His Luck so he stepped forward and pulled out the stick. He could do it very easily. Everybody was dumbfounded.
Suddenly, from the hole left by the stick, water spouted out it didn’t stop until it flooded the village. And no one was safe from the water except the little boy and the generous old woman who gave him shelter and a meal. As she told him, he used the ‘lesung’ as a boat and picked up the old woman. The whole village became a huge lake. It is now known as Rawa Pening Lake in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia.
Over a period of several years, accumulating evidence strengthens the fact the earth is going down to its last day.
Finally the years 2012 rolls around. By now, signs of coming doom have become even more alarming. But things appear to be progressing faster than anyone anticipated. Then get our first clue of what it os that world leaders are planning to do about the situation; they, along with select waelthy elite from across the globe, will board specially built ships that can withstand nature’s fury. Will the world leaders with their plans succeed in saving the planet earth from doomsday?
Jakarta Green Monster
have you ever thought of global warming and its effects? Have you ever got annoyed and angry about the floods that happen yearly in our country? Well, don’t just wonder and get angry, do something! Just like the people who work voluntarily in a comminity called Jakarta Green Monter (JGM).
JGM is a group of people who care for jakarta’s environment, especially the north part of Jakarta, like Suaka Margasatwa Muara Angke (SMMA) and Suaka Margasatwa Pulau Rambut (SMPR). This organization doesn’t work alone. It’s facilitated by Fauna and Flora International (FFI) Indonesia Program and Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (BKSDA) DKI Jakarta. Its activities concern nature preservation, research, bird watching, and people’s awareness of
Senin, 16 November 2009
tugas english (application letter)
Jakarta, 17 November 2009
PT. Tunas Bangsa
Jl. Raya Merdeka No. 27
Menara Jaya, Fl. 21
Jakarta 12580
In accordance with a job offer from PT. Tunas Bangsa, as contained in Media indonesia on 9 November 2009. I volunteered to join the register as Marketing Manager at PT. Tunas Bangsa.
My brief data, such as the following :
Name : Nugratama Imansyah
Place of Date of Birth : Banda Aceh, 29/08/1989
Last Education : Bachelor of Accounting University of Gunadarma
Address : Serua Indah no.30 ciputat
Phone, HP, E-mail : 085611225533, tundercemong@yahoo.com
Marital Status : Single
I have a health condition is very good, and can speak English both spoken and written. My educational background is very satisfying and has management skills and good marketing. I have been accustomed to working with computers. Operates mainly MS Office package of applications, such as Excel, Word, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Internet, as well as correspondence in English.
Consideration, I enclose:
1. List of CVs.
2. Photocopy of diploma S-1 and transcripts.
3. Photocopy of certificate courses / training.
4. Recent passport photo.
I hope Mr / Mrs willing to take the time to give interviews, so I can explain in more detail about my own potential.
So this cover letter, and thank you for the attention of Mr / Mrs.
Nugratama Imansyah
Enc : CV
My signature below:
Name : Nugratama Imansyah
Place, date of birth : Banda Aceh. 29/08/1989
Sex : Male
Status : Single
Religion : Islam
Address : Serua IndahRt 01/06 No.30, ciputat district, Tangerang district, Banten Province 15414
Phone : 085611225533
Educational Background
2007 - : Gunadarma University
2004 – 2007 : Senior High School 35 Karet Tengsin
2001 – 2004 : Junior High School 40 Bendungan Hilir
1995 – 2001 : Elementary School 02 Pagi, Kebon Kelati
CV so I created this in truth.
(Nugratama Imansyah)